Holistic Green Airport – an opportunity for innovation in smart and sustainable mobility
A new project was approved by the European Commission (EC) to help mitigate the environmental impact of the aviation sector. hOListic Green Airport (OLGA) is based on an integrated approach and started on 1st October 2021. It will develop innovative sustainable measures for reducing both airside and landside emissions, while improving energy efficiency, air quality, biodiversity, and waste management. These solutions support the European Union’s (EU) carbon neutrality ambition and aim to improve quality of life.
In support of the EU Green Deal, several projects will be financed by the EU to facilitate the transition to low-carbon mobility and a climate-resilient society.
One of the projects that will actively contribute to this strategic objective isOLGA. Focusing on boosting environmental performance at airports from flight operations, passenger and freight, and community perspectives, OLGA is uniquely positioned to showcase innovative sustainability measures and to prove scalability and EU-wide applicability.
Four international airports and their local stakeholders are involved in the project: Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Milan Malpensa, Zagreb, and Cluj. Further roll-out of the project results will be ensured by Airport Regions Council (ARC), which is the organisation of cities and regions with an international airport on their territories. In addition, the OLGA project will connect with other EU-funded projects and initiatives focused on green aviation, boosting Europe as a pioneer in smart and sustainable mobility.
Joining forces to significantly contribute to the environmental transition of airports operations OLGA project brings together 57 partners and associated entities which form a diverse consortium gathering a high level of experience and expertise, ranging from large and small airports, airlines and the aeronautic industry to public authorities, researchers and innovative small and medium enterprises focusing on environmental performance.
The project is led by Groupe ADP with Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport as frontrunner. Augustin de Romanet, Chairman and CEO of Groupe ADP stated that “OLGA will be a showcase of our expertise. As main worldwide airports operator, we are already involved in reducing our environmental footprint, contributing to the environmental transition of the airline industry, developing industrial and territorial ecology projects, and reducing the environmental impact of projects on a lifecycle basis.”
Air France, as a partner of the OLGA project and a pioneer in the electrification of ground support equipment fleet at the Paris airports, is a real driving force in clean energy transition and reduction of local emissions thanks to its work on optimisation of electric recharging operations, hydrogen solutions and use of sustainable aviation fuel.
With similar ambitions, Milano Malpensa Airport, part of SEA Milan Airports, will take forward the commitment to decarbonisation. Armando Brunini, CEO of SEA Milan Airports, emphasises that “OLGA drives us to accelerate our efforts on environmental sustainability. Our main focus will be the implementation of initiatives related to the use of hydrogen for both airport vehicles and for connectivity. In addition, we will develop models and solutions for the conservation of biodiversity in the areas surrounding Malpensa airport.”
Zagreb Franjo Tuđman Airport (also managed by Groupe ADP and its subsidiary TAV Airports) and Cluj Airport will be key in demonstrating the replicability of innovations implemented at Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport as well as in conducting complementary demonstrations to further boost environmental performance. Huseyin Bahadir Bedir, CEO of Zagreb Airport, stated that “Zagreb Airport is committed to the efforts of applying technological solutions in business processes that will lead to the reduction of pollution and noise. This approach will directly contribute to improving the quality of life of the local and wider communities”. Cluj Airport and its local partners will also “focus on innovation mobility actions, on energy efficiency and renewable technologies for its Terminals. Smart connectivity with Cluj-Napoca city, one of the 2020 finalists of the European Capital of Innovation Award, will yield a green airport-city transformation”, explains David Ciceo, CEO of Cluj Airport.
The project also includes an Advisory Board (AB) consisting of 27 members including academia, aeronautic and mobility companies, airports, industry, and territorial administrations. The AB members are to provide feedback on project activities, share expertise, and assess project results.
A holistic approach to reduce environmental impact of aviation
With a total budget of 34 million euros, out of which 25 million euros will be granted by the European Commission over a period of 60 months, OLGA partners will seek to solve the challenge of significantly reducing the environmental impact of the air transportation sector as a whole.
It is expected that the OLGA project will rapidly achieve quantifiable advances, thus accelerating the exploitation of results. The efforts and innovative measures of OLGA will lead to CO2 reduction, air quality improvement, and biodiversity preservation, while involving the entire value chain of the aviation sector. The OLGA results will further generate positive impacts at societal, environmental and economic levels which will spread at local, national and EU scales.
For more information, please access the follwoing link: OLGA | hOListic Green Airport (olga-project.eu )
Members of the Core Team
Between 1991 – 1995, after Ana-Maria Cretu graduated from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, she worked as a design engineer at the Research Institute in Bucharest. From 1995 until 2010 she worked as a Damage coordinating inspector in the Foreign Claim Department at ARDAF Insurance Company.
From 2010 until now she worked at Cluj Avram Iancu International Airport where she was, firstly, the Head of the Investment Office and after a few years, Head of the Technical Department. She is currently the Technical Director of Cluj Airport. She is also involved in infrastructure projects related to environmental impact for the airport.
Ana-Maria Cretu
Technical DirectorCluj Avram Iancu International Airport
Goron Maria-Andrada has been working for Cluj International Airport (CLJ)since 2018. She has professional experience in international environment, mostly in fields related to Trade Compliance, Customer Service, Public Relations, and Marketing.
She graduated from the Faculty of Letters, Applied Modern Languages-English and French and during the university studies she joined a one-year scholarship program in Belgium at “Haute École Charlemagne”, “Université de Liège”, and also an internship at “Athénée Royal de Fragnée”, Liège. Master degree in International Administration and Business Communication (English and French) from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of “Babeș-Bolyai University”.
Master degree in Strategic management of human resources from the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work of “Babeș-Bolyai University” and after that she received online training on Human Resources Management, issued by the London School of Business and Communication.
At present, she is the Leader of WP. 7 – Communication&Dissemination in the OLGA Project within the OLGA team of Cluj Airport. Her role within the OLGA Project is to facilitate the communication and to disseminate the results of the OLGA Project.
Goron Maria-Andrada
maria.goron(at)airportcluj.roAs an environmental engineer, Bogdan Vartolomei is the leader of WP. 2 (Transport landside, acces and multimodal) and he is highly involved in actions related to the air quality within the OLGA Project. During his studies, he gained competencies related to air pollution and pollutants in the atmosphere, generated by the burning of fossil fuels.
Vartolomei Bogdan
bogdan.vartomolei(at)airportcluj.roShe has an experience of over 18 years in the field of environmental protection. With an impressive activity within the Environmental Protection Agency Cluj where she held the positions of Executive Director and Head of the Monitoring and Laboratories Service, Liana was involved in activities that aimed to improve the quality of the environment in general and the air quality.
Replacement of the Project Manager at meetings, events and interactions with the local and European partners of the OLGA Project, he is a main expert with management and analysis attributions.
Liana is a research engineer in environmental protection within the Environment-Green Airports Department at Cluj Avram Iancu International Airport. Her role is to focus on technical and legislative solutions and she is actively involved in tasks related to WP5.1 and WP5.2.
European projects carried out
The development of an integrated system for collecting and transmitting data from the monitoring of hazardous chemicals in Cluj County – Project financed under the Ro04 Programme - Reduction of Dangerous Substances through funds granted by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the See Grants 2009-2014 – assistant manager.
Development of bilateral relations on the monitoring of hazardous chemicals - Project financed by funds granted by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway - assistant project coordinator. Development of the administrative capacity of the Ministry of Environment regarding the management of emergency situations generated by the risks specific to the Ministry and of the situations regarding the state of the environment, SIPOCA/MySMIS - technical expert.
Dr. Eng. Liana Mureșan
liana.muresan(at)airportcluj.roShe graduated from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, the Faculty of Environmental Engineering. Since 2004 she is an environmental engineer and consultant in the field of environmental protection, respectively she prepares the documentations for obtaining regulatory acts in the field of environmental protection and water management.
As a research engineer, Gliguță Nicoleta has a defined role within the OLGA Project, which consists of analysis, synthesis and orientation in environmental protection issues, being involved in activities related to WP.5 - Energy&Hydrogen.
European projects carried out
She participated together with COMOTI (Romanian Research&Development Institute for Gas Turbines) in the realization of a questionnaire regarding the quality of life in Cluj-Napoca and neighboring areas within ANIMA (Aviation Noise Impact Management) Project through Novel Approaches – HORIZON 2020.
Gliguță Nicoleta
nicoleta.gliguta(at)airportcluj.roMr. Pisla Adrian has a vast experience in engineering at national and international level, with 7 specialty books published. He joined the OLGA Project with the aim of helping to achieve the engineering tasks of the project.
As a research engineer, Mr. Pisla Adrian has a defined role within the OLGA Project, which consists of analysis, synthesis and orientation in environmental protection issues, being involved in activities related to air quality and the transformation of waste to gaseous fuel.
European projects carried out
2006-2009 Ceex: Advanced kinematic and dynamic structural research on the design of an open flight simulator adapted to special requirements – Askot.
2014-2015 Esa-rosa: “Instructor operation station designed for space applications (IOS)”.
2016-2020 Esa: “Manipulation systems for sample handling in a sample receiving facility”, Tasuk.
Virginie is Environment & Energy project manager in the Sustainable Development & Public Affairs division of Groupe ADP since December 2021. She coordinates the OLGA project and works on subjects related to the development of low carbon aviation (hydrogen, electric, hybrid aircraft and related infrastructure).
She joined Groupe ADP in 2008 as technical risk management specialist and continued her career with responsibilities regarding the assets risk management (fire safety, industrial risk management, etc.).
Prof. Dr.Eng., Mr. Pisla Adrian
adrian.pisla(at)airportcluj.roHe also attended the courses within Bucharest University of Economic Studies - Master at the trade department obtaining the master’s degree in International Tourism.
He held management positions as President of the Board of Directors and General Manager of Transylvania Airport Târgu-Mureș.
He is Certified by IATA in Advanced Airport Operations, Airport Certification&Standards, Airport Safety Management System, Managing The Safety Oversight Function, possessing an IATA Diploma in Advanced Airport Operations.
He has carried out an intense international activity in aviation management and marketing as a member of the Economic and Marketing Strategies Commission at Airports Council International (1996-2012). He was a member of the management committee of the International Airport Association Executive, Washington (2000-2022).
He was a member of the transport committee of the Airport Region Conference-Bruxelles (2002-2012). He was member of the consultative commission for the implementation of the Heavy Transport Strategy in Romania (2013).
Mr. Runcan Petru Stefan is involved in activities related to WP. 8 (Exploitation and technology transfer), as part of the Cuj Airport team within OLGA Project.
European projects carried out - ATOM Project. Anamul (“Andy”) holds a BEng (Hons) in Mechanical and Environmental Engineering from the University of Brighton (UK) and a Master in Total Quality Management from ENSAM (Paris, France), a leading science & technology Grande École with an international reputation specializing in mechanical, industrial, and energy engineering. He also completed the IBM ICT Training Scheme. Following initial project management experiences in multidisciplinary, international teams in various companies (Renault-Nissan, IBM, Michelin, ST Microelectronics), he started his career in EU-funded projects in 2002 and joined L-up in 2007. At L-up, he is an expert in Energy / Environment and Defence and is the Chief Quality Officer. In his 20 years of experience, he has set up over 40 proposals and managed 20 EU collaborative projects (worth over 145 million Euros) as work package leader and co-project leader; the most recent ones in H2020 being HIPERION, Be-Smart, FIBRE4YARDS and ACASIAS. He assisted in preparing project applications and management in the fields of ICT, energy/environment, materials and processes, aeronautics, space, and defence (FP7, H2020, including CS2). BpiFrance also acknowledges him to perform diagnostics in the defence sector.
Runcan Petru Ștefan
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Working meeting held at Avram Iancu Cluj International Airport related to the OLGA Project (hOLystic &Green Airport)
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Date interesante despre Cluj Napoca
În 2011, 324.576 de locuitori locuiau în limitele orașului, ceea ce îl face pe locul al doilea cel mai populat al țării la acea vreme, după capitala națională București
Universitati si scoli
Oraşul Cluj Napoca este considerat al doilea centru universitar din România, fiind locul care găzduieşte în fiecare an, aproximativ 80.000 de studenţi din întreaga ţară
Clima orașului Cluj-Napoca este temperat-continentală, cu ierni reci și veri calde. Clima este influențată de apropierea orașului de Munții Apuseni, precum și de urbanizare.
Festivaluri și evenimente
Concerte, festivaluri, spectacole culturale, expoziții, party-uri, conferințe și workshop-uri, lansări de carte și de film și alte evenimente, toate le găsești la Cluj.